Past Events
King Charles III Cornonation Celebrations
Thompson celebrated in style once again on the 6th June 2023 to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. With games and a picnic for the children, dog show and family relay race in the afternoon and watching the concert at Windsor in the evening with a fantastic hog roast. We even had our giant cake again!
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
Thompson celebrated in style on the 4th June 2022 to celebrate her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee. With Games and a picnic for the children in the afternoon and watching the concert at Buckingham Palace in the evening with a barbeque. We even had our giant cake again!
Celebrating Thompson
4th September 2021
To celebrate the easing of the COVID restrictions Thompson celebrated by having a picnic on the Millennium Green. The sun was shining and everyone enjoyed mocktails and cake as well as their own delicious picnics.
Official Opening
7th April 2018
What a magnificent day for the official opening of the Community Hall. The Trustees were so pleased to see so many people join them. The Rt Hon The Baroness Gillian Shephard of Northwold cut the ribbon to officially open the hall and then joined everyone for lunch. Anglia News also came and a report was shown that evening.
Starters and Finishers Event
A fantastic evening where everyone started with a wide selection of appetizers followed but a variety of scrumptious desserts. The entertainment was a race event where we guessed the winners of the race to score points, (no betting allowed). The eventual winner was Lara Blake. The evening raised valuable funds that are required to maintain the Hall.

Christening Celebrations
Congratulations Henry on your Christening Day.